Titah DYTM Raja Muda Selangor


I am fully aware of the current situation and all proceedings related to this Club. I would like to emphasize that I am disappointed with some of the incidents that have occured recently.

A number of parties have made inaccurate assumptions regarding my involvement in the management of Selangor FC. I would like to emphasize that not every action I take or any activity I am involved in this Club needs to be displayed publicly on social media. For your information, every decision made by the Club is based on the direction that I have set and has received my approval. These decisions are made based on my continuous observation and have gone through a series of extensive discussions with the Sporting Director, members of the Board of Directors and the relevant committees.

I am aware that the team's recent performance has not been favorable to us, however I would like to assure you that the management and I have identified the shortcomings that must be improved. Together, the management and I are already working towards solving the issues at hand and we have started working on next season which includes a few technical appointments such as Sporting Director, Technical Director, coaches department, as well as the other necessary steps required to strengthen the first team. This process is already ongoing and important announcements will be made from time to time.

I recognize that we have not achieved the desired success on the field, nevertheless I will not give up and will remain committed to bring this Club to the highest level possible. Numerous efforts and reforms in terms of governance, financial management, football development, facilities and commercialization have succeeded. Therefore, I would like to rally all Selangor FC fans to stay united and not be easily divided due to baseless influences. I want to assure you that there are no parasites under my management. In truth, this is the time where we need positive, constructive and undivided support the most from all in order for us to help our beloved team to rise back from this predicament. Sakit sama mengaduh, luka sama menyiuk, kerana kita adalah satu.

Finally, I would like to take this opportunity to thank Izhar Moslim for all his services and sacrifices during his time at this Club. For everyone's information, Izhar Moslim has held the position as Vice President of FAS from 2018 until 2019 and I have appointed him as a member of the Board of Directors when Selangor FC was privatized and established in 2020. Recently, I have approved his resignation letter dated 7th of July 2022, thus he is no longer directly or indirectly involved with the Selangor FC management moving forward.

Merah Kuning Lambang Kebanggaan.